
Why are you doing this?

Why are you doing this?

I’m not going to lie, creating a website and a blog is a scary step for me! Not only do I have no idea how to do either of them, but it’s nerve wracking to share so much of my life with people who may not have ever met me in person before. You may be thinking, “Then why in the world are you doing it Kaitlin?” As I was doing this, I was asking myself the same thing too!

I have loved sharing my health and fitness journey on Instagram and Facebook. Not only has it kept me accountable, but it has allowed me to connect with powerful, supportive people that I wouldn’t have otherwise met. One thing that I didn’t think about in sharing my journey would be that I had the power to choose how truthful and fully I would share. Would I share only the good? Would I ignore the bad and cast it to the side? Would I share other parts of my life?

So many people on social media share only the highlight reel of their life which unfortunately leads people to play the comparison game. They see the amazing life that these people lead (or at least what they portray) and they feel as if their life is less than in comparison. I’m not going to lie, it’s easier to share the good and much harder to open up and share the less pretty. One of the main reasons I wanted to create this site and blog was to share the full picture: the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’m doing so in hopes that I can create a supportive community and allow others to learn from choices that I’ve made.

I hope that by being open and sharing more of my life with you I can create a positive impact on others and create a community with no comparisons :) This is a new part of my journey and I’m so excited to take you with me as I learn and grow!


Setting that Goal