Living My Resilient Life

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Being Okay with Being Uncomfortable

It’s time to grow!

If I could just stay in my bed all day, trust me I would! It’s warm, safe, plus my cats are there too! That’s how it feels to be in your comfort zone (minus the cats). Your comfort zone is a place where you know what to expect, you know the rules, and routines. You are the master of your comfort zone. As amazing as it feels to be in your comfort zone, it can unfortunately come with some negatives too. Growth does not grow in your comfort zone. It grows in areas where you are uncomfortable.

I grew up in a nice middle-class town in Minnesota. Walking distance from school where I graduated with around 200 students. When I went to the mall, I would find myself running into people all the time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! But I knew that I wanted to experience more while I was young and I wouldn’t be able to do that if I stayed in the same place. After college, I was offered a teaching position in Texas (which seemed like another country to me). It was sooooo far away from all of my family and friends! I knew a few people moving there too from college because we did our student teaching together, but as wonderful as they are, they couldn’t replace all that I would be leaving behind. Yes, I was nervous! It was my first adult job after college and on top of that I would be moving to a city that was very unknown to me!

Looking back on it, I can’t be more thankful that I said yes to this opportunity! I learned to manage bills and deadlines (taxes eek) and I learned how to communicate with people who have different views than me. I met people who have a lifelong impact on my life and who’s advice means the world to me. I have a whole new understanding of what it means to be independent and being able to rely on myself.

I could go on and on about how much I grew by stepping outside of my comfort zone, but the main take away that I want to make sure that you have is that growth occurs outside of your comfort zone. It is okay to be uncomfortable! Nothing great or amazing happens in your comfort zone. Take some big and scary leaps and push past that boundary. Be prepared to grow!